Welcome to Bangladesh!

This blog represents a chronicle of my travel to Dhaka, Bangladesh that began on July 28, 2010 from St. Peter, Minnesota. I retired from thirty years of teaching to begin a new career in Bangladesh. This is my diary.

Monday, August 23, 2010

A Surprise Flower

August 23, 2010


One of the first things I did (I had my driver do!) when I got here was to buy some potted plants.  I gave him some money and asked him to get a few.  When I came home there were six huge clay pots with green plants in them.  I have had them in my apartment for some time now.  Some have become crinkly, but I still like them. 

I came home to find that one of my plants had blossomed.  I think that is a wonderful sign of beauty amidst all the struggle that people go through here on a daily basis.  Life is hard here in Dhaka, but there is beauty here too. 


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