Welcome to Bangladesh!

This blog represents a chronicle of my travel to Dhaka, Bangladesh that began on July 28, 2010 from St. Peter, Minnesota. I retired from thirty years of teaching to begin a new career in Bangladesh. This is my diary.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Thumbs UP!!!!

Thumbs Up??  How does he do it?

Greetings from Dhaka on October 16th, my second day into the week long holiday.  I will always be baffled by the positive, loving spirit that the people have all around me.  A home next to the railroad track?  A cheerful spirit?  Yes, the two go hand in hand in the slums of Dhaka...at least as far as I have seen.

"All I really need is love in my heart, food in my belly, and love in my family."  ...words from a children's song that seem to hold true in Bangladesh.

Love to you all,                                                                                                    

1 comment:

  1. That song I used to play for the kids all the time, and yes is it ever true! Hard for some to hang on to but look how easy these people seems too. It makes me wonder how can they be so happy but....... what else do they know. Thanks for sharing this. Enjoy your week!!
