Welcome to Bangladesh!

This blog represents a chronicle of my travel to Dhaka, Bangladesh that began on July 28, 2010 from St. Peter, Minnesota. I retired from thirty years of teaching to begin a new career in Bangladesh. This is my diary.

Monday, September 27, 2010

A Homemade Toy

September28, 2010
Dear family and friends, I really would you like to see the amazing thing these people put together for a child.  Using just a rough stick and a metal circle stuck together with a dishsoap bottle and a nail stuck through the wood.  He was rolling it around the street, as happy as could be.  

Love you all,                                                                


  1. I love it. I'd bet "I'm bored" is something you never hear there.
    Kids are occupied, entertained and educated so well by simple objects (often that they create) and their imagination.

    Keep writing and inspiring us all!

  2. My Dad used to make toys for us when we were little. Things HE used to play with. An empty wooden spool (from thread) and a rubber band. Paper airplanes, boats, hats!!! I think it was string with a button attached. Simple things is right..... I also made make believe furniture, appliances, etc. out of cardboard boxes. I hate when the kids say "I'm bored"!! lolol Thanks for sharing. Hope everything is going well and that you've unpacked all your things and feel more at home!! Hugs and love,
